Hello! Magazine cover
(or the Honor of becoming a Cover girl)
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Hello! Magazine holds a place in my heart and I have had such fond memories of it since I was a child.
Every weekend you would find the latest edition at my grandparents house. We would always, at some moment, flick through and make comments about it.
On days when my grandma forgot to buy it (which was quite unusual) we knew we would have an extra magazine the next Sunday.
I was fascinated by the lovely houses on the opening pages, the portraits of famous people, the images used in the advertisements…all the glamour of it.
The magazine connects me emotionally to family feelings, to memories of my chilhood and teenage years and to laughter and gossiping in the kitchen or sitting on the sofa with my mum and grandma.
We still buy the magazine, in homage to my grandma, who left us three years ago today.
Thank you Fabiana and Jose for choosing me to capture such an incredible celebration of love.
I never thought one of my wedding photographs would be on the cover of this magazine.
To you, iaiona, I am sure you must be proud and excited, wherever you are …